"A website dedicated to the humor of our very own world class comedian, Kevin Lu"

-NBZnbd, Twitter

Thursday, December 23, 2010

B Lunch 12/23/10

Jyodh- "Great...the one day I buy apple juice my mom packs me a full size juicy juice"

Kevin picks up apple juice and grabs juicy juice in order to compare size, squeezing the juicy juice and spilling the contents on the table

*awkward silence*

Kevin- "Oops. I forgot my gas laws for a second there"

Monday, December 20, 2010

12/20/10 Set 1 Free

Neil reading "My Lute Awake"

Neil- "What the heck's a Lute?"

Zach- "It's an instrument"


Kevin- "It's what Pirates do..."


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Please give another metaphorical round of applause for another new blogger, Jake "Jal-wel (kal-lel)" Wellens!

NEW BLOGGER, 12/14/10

Because Neil has been soooooo lazy, we have a new blogger!
Please give a round of metaphorical applause to Tom "the Meatman" Fischer!